+-+-+-+-+- Release note 2020.2 (Flexi 6.1) 2020-11-24-+-+-+-+-+ * * Note all Windows 2012 R2 and older installations, this will be last release for Windows 2012. Please update OS to Windows 2016-2019 * **** Checklist **** Before updating to this version, please check the following: - Due to updating to SQL server 2017 CU15, this update can take some time - Virtual server, create a snapshot - Windows 2012 or newer - SQL server 2017 CU 17 or newer - Windows update - Install .NET Framework 4.7.2 https://support.microsoft.com/sv-se/help/4054530/microsoft-net-framework-4-7-2-offline-installer-for-windows Should be installed before any update of Flexi - Internet access, SQL server install/update requires this *** New *** Datatal Enduser web (Umbrella) - Can be embeded in Microsoft Teams, using feature Teams app, require Datatal Graph connector configuration and license - Groups, as local admin. Can add new members to groups - Groups, as local admin. Can remove members from groups - Groups, as local admin. Can change group mode for open and closed - Groups, as local admin. Can change Suffix number, number that will be added after orginal ANI, exampel 0701234565 9 and 9 is suffix - Groups, a summary for group statistics current day - Groups, can see active calls - Manuscript/Audio, as local admin. Can now create, update and delete manuscript from company. - Manuscript/Audio, as local admin. Can upload wave-audiofile. Check fileformat in upload form, must be in correct format - Manuscript/Audio, can listen to audiofiles - NumberHandling, as user, can add/remove numbers in personal white-/black-list - NumberHandling, as local admin, can add/remove numbers in personal/company white-/black-list - Users, can change Max call setting, if 2 or more. Then user will not be busy on active call. - Users, can now change redirect number unconditional and activate redirection - Users, upload profile image Datatal Gateway - Diversion codes can automatically change call-profile on users, exempel gone for the day or holiday set mobile as call-profile Prio, NumberHandling->Diversion Code->User managed (app/wp)-> Configured on deviceclass (AW->User->Gateway). First thats matches will override rest. - Group members can now be notified in Teams channel if some specific state occured. Requires Webhook on channel - Group members can now have daily statstics reported in Teams channel. Requires Webhook on channel - Group modes can now be owned by a group Wonderphone - NEW client for Windows available! Download it from https://download.datatal.se/releases/WonderphonUI/Wonderphone.msi This release is shipped with old design but you can opt-in for new client. Download and change MSI on server, x:\Program Files(x86)\Datatal\Flexi\WonderPhone\Apps\ To update on one client, uninstall and install with new MSI or use command 'msiexec /i "Wonderphone.msi" REINSTALLMODE=vaums REINSTALL=ALL /qb' URL will be updated weekly with new build on client. Feature updates and bugfixes. *** Improvements *** Datatal Graph connector - Improved, automatic resync on changed field-mappings on users. When saveing field-mappings a resync will automatically be initated Flexi Statistics web - Set reports on company level TFS#1632 - Gateway users, fixes and improvments from last release. Will now only list users and company that end user in AW have correct accessrights for TFS#1633 - Gateway Grous, fixes and improvments from last release, can now group by group modes. Will now only list groups and company that end user in AW have correct accessrights for TFS#1634 *** Fix *** Wonderphone Server - WonderPhone server crash due to websocket read cause StackOverflow, TFS#1952 CTStack - Read license issue. Will try to reread license every second in 30 seconds TFS#1874 Telephonymanager - Will automatically reopen users for Teams if TelephonyManager lost connection to Datatal Graph connector TFS#1875 Gateway - Outbound makecall from FlexiTid causes incorrect number in ANI TFS#1968 - No suffix was set on group call to member TFS#1969 AW/MaintServer - User was incorrectly set "marked for deleted" TFS#1971 CTStack - Call with anonymous from CTStack could fallback to default ANI, so outbound calls could not be anonymous TFS#1979 +-+-+-+-+- Release note 2020.1 (Flexi 6.0) 2020-09-01 (THIS is repacked: 2020-10-26) -+-+-+-+-+- * * Issuse with Windows 2012 installations and installing the Microsoft WMF 5.1 package. Use for Datatal-update script. * In this repack WMF 5.1 has been removed and Datatal-Update script will not work on Windows 2012 if not WMF is installed. * This setup contains latest components that are in patch ZIP (2020-10-26), patches after this date must be manually updated on Windows 2012s. * On Windows 2016/2019 WMF 5.1 is not required. * **** Checklist **** Before updating to this version, please check the following: - Due to updateing to SQL server 2017 CU15, this update can take some time - Virtual server, create a snapshot - Windows 2012 or newer - SQL server 2008 R2 SP3 or newer - Windows update - Install .NET Framework 4.7.2 https://support.microsoft.com/sv-se/help/4054530/microsoft-net-framework-4-7-2-offline-installer-for-windows Should be installed before any update of Flexi - Internet access, SQL server install/update requires this **** Nytt **** Datatal Graph connector - Ny tjänst med stöd för att kommunicera med Microsoft Graph, viss konfiguration krävs i Microsoft Office 365 Hanterar AD-sync ifrån Microsoft office 365, behöver inte kommunicera med en domänkontrollant som "gamla" dbsync behöver Hanterar Kalenderkoppling mot Microsoft office 365, samma licens som Exchange connector. Hanterar Teams-koppling, får events ifrån Teams när användaren byter status. Registrerar in en Datatal Presentity app i Teams, så att användaren kan få en egen inbyggd flik för Presentity i Teams. FlexiTid - Handläggare kan var inloggade i flera köer - Ärendeval kan ha flera olika media, samtal/video - Skapa mötesrum i Datatal video cloud - Skicka SMS till patient, oavsett om svarsstället är konfigurerat för video eller ej, fungerar alltså även med "vanliga" samtalsbokningar; Bokningsbekräftelse, SMS skickas vid bokningstillfället Påminnelse, skickar ett SMS strax innan bokad tid. Avbokning, när en avbokning görs i handläggarwebben kan ett SMS skickas Ombokningar, om handläggare flyttar tiden så kan ett SMS skickas automatiskt till patient med info om den nya tiden FlexiTid webb - Möjlighet att logga in i flera svarsställen vid samtalslistan och vid inloggning - Vid bokning välja vilket svarsställe bokningen ska tillhöra - Se för vilket ärende ett meddelande är lämnat - Aviseringar på nya samtal - Möjlighet att lägga till en branding URL. AW->System->Admin->inställningar->Tidbokning - Möjlighet att lägga till LookupUrl på bokningar. AW->System->Admin->inställningar->Tidbokning (läs tooltip för hur den skall formuleras) - Möjlighet att ansluta en Takecare koppling. Gateway - Stöd för SMDR - Ny samtalsloggs-tabell för att förbättra statistiken - Nya gruppfunktioner, kan sätta att grupp kan 'ringa igenom' och 'ringa med påknackning' d.v.s om medlem är hänvisad eller upptagen i samtal kan påringning ändå ske på medlem - Avancerade uttryck på framkoppling, kan sätta visningsnummer och SIP-visningsnamn till medlem. Exempel {{ani}}3030 blir nummerpresentationen 04982530173030 för medlem om 0498253017 ringer till grupp 3030 - (work in progress) Samtal via grupp, medlem kan bli aviserad med ett meddelande om vilken grupp samtalet gått via, och sedan bekräfta för att ta emot samtalet Admital webb - Kund-id på förtag, ett fritext fält som syns i företagsöversikten. Användbart när man har många kunder i hostingsystem - Importverktyg, importera användare via CSV-fil, en Excel-fil som kan exporteras till CSV finns att ladda ned - Ladda upp företagsljudfiler i WAV och vox - Teams-inställningar konfigurera sätta hänvisning efter Teams status. Exempel, konfigurera att 'Stör-ej' i Teams motsvarar 'Möte' i Presentity eller att 'I samtal' i Teams motsvarar en hänvisningskod som säger 'Upptagen i telefon', ljudfil 01598 i Admital - Teams-app inställningar Om app ska publiceras Om app ska installeras Bildhantering Texter i olika språk - Flexi Tid Video Inställningar per svarsställe E-legitimation Stöd för Datatal video cloud som en videoleverantör under video-portal - Statistik Ny statistikdomän, Gateway användare Ny statistikdomän, Gateway grupper Förbättringar kring, välja ett företag istället för en peka ut grupper eller användare. Ändrat lite i grässnittet så förenklat och förbättrat. - Konfigurations-diagnostik Under system->admin finns det en länk för att databasen ska analysera konfigurationen. Bör göras efter en installation/uppgradering/eller vid initial felsökning. - Flexi Tid Journalsystem-inställningar, system/företag/svarsställe Kan sätta taggar/ärenden på lämnade meddelanden Ny setting, 'Tillåt snabb-bokning', kan boka utan att få den bokade tiden återuppläst Ny setting, 'Signeringskontroll' Setup - Installeras nya tjänster Datatal Proxy, används främst för Flexi Tid-server för att kommunicera till Datatal Video cloud Datatal Graph connector, används för att kommunicera med Microsoft Graph API - Installera ny Webb-applikation Datatal Graph Webb, tar emot webb-callbacks från Microsoft Graph, detta krävs för att Microsoft ska kunna skicka event och annan information till Datatal Flexi-plattformen - Installerar .NET Core 3.1.4 på Windows servern Diversion Manager - Teams-stöd med funktioner för att styra HV samt VK baserat på status. Konfigurerbart per företag/användare i AW. FlexiStat - 2 nya statistikdomäner, GW-användare, GW-grupper (förut endast Gateway) - Stöd i rapporter och utskick att göra dem privata, låsa för ändring av andra - Stöd för globala rapporter - Rapporter och utskick är uppdelade i "Mina" och "Andras" - Nu kontrolleras GW grupp- och användar- statistik om företagen har licens aktiverat för respektive funktion. Användarportalen (umbrella) - Användare kan logga i/ur grupper - Se kollegors hänvisningstatus - Förbättrat återställ lösenordshanteringen WonderPhone client - Kan skapa hänvisningar på kollegor - Sätta notiser på olika grupper, exempel om samtal finns i grupp men ingen medlem är inloggad **** Förbättringar **** Setup - Bättre stöd för om databasserver ligger på annan maskin än den lokala - Kontroller för om kontot som används är korrekt WonderPhone - (work in progress)Bättre stöd att köra WonderPhone och Flexi under samma IP, förberedelser för detta. Gateway - Tagit bort Professional-licensen på GW och Teams har en egen licens motsvarade Kalenderkoppling, kallas Microsoft Teams - Förbättrat stöd mellan Gateway och CTstack, viss information från talsvaret kan nu transporteras över till Gateway - Utökat för fler interop-profiler, för enklare administration - CSTA events är mer isolerade per företag/domän - Förbättrad samtalskoppling via Direct routing till Microsoft Teams. En workaround då Microsoft inte skickar korrekta Replaces headers på REFER - Nummerpresentation är förbättrad vid samtalskoppling, främst när koppling görs under påringning Admital webb - Gruppläge Kan konfigureras till att ägare av gruppläget blir en viss grupp, detta medför att alla grupper ser inte alla grupplägen. Kan göra specifika grupplägen per grupp. - Flexi Tid I schemaläggningen i Tidbokning syns datumen tydligare - Säkerhet Kan aktivera säkra sessioner i PHP och Admital har stöd för det. Kräver att man endast använder HTTPS Förbättrad sessionshantering - Små förbättringar Visas tydligare i lista om ett objekt är markerat för radering, användare/företag Inställning på företag/system, 'Skapa favoriter automatiskt' när en ny användare läggs upp så skapas en favorit för alla användare automatiskt. Bra på mindre företag GW: Samtalslogg under system->gateway->samtalslogg. Lista och sök efter nummer. Kräver GW 6.0 GW: Möjlighet att starta om en SIP-terminal från användarsidan som har stöd för kommandot, 'check-sync;reboot=true: GW: Mobile answer guard inställning implementerad GW: Lagt till bättre logik att visa nummerplan under företag. Visar endast om en trunk med viss integration finns. Innan visade alla även om de inte var skapade eller konfigurerade Datatal Mobile API - Vid stora system kunde sökningar få väldigt stora problem om man fick många resultat. Kombination av App/mobile/db-design FlexiStat - Fanns synlig text som inte var översatt. - UX har förbättras i överlag. - Engelska som språk använde inte engelska titlar i formuläret. MaintServer - Stöd för {{terminal_password}} i provisioning **** Rättningar **** Setup - Om man körde utan NT konto, d.v.s. med Localsystem så kunde man få ett felmeddelande i setupen när rättigheter skulle sättas - Tagit bort gamla komponenter, Mysql och Eicon är helt bortstädat Exchange Connector - NET libbet för EWS kunde låsa sig i väntan på ett svar som aldrig kom tillbaka från molnet och därmed kunde inte subscriptions starta om pga den redan väntade på ett svar som aldrig togs emot. WonderPhone - TM kunde ibland svara GetGroupPresenceModes med Success utan att ge tillbaka några lägen vilket gav ett internt fel. Gateway - Diverse SIP hantering har förbättrat vid icke 2xx svar på CANCEL eller INVITE Admitalweb - GW: Inspelningsinställningen på användare kunde visa fel värde - Hårdkodade värden som gick till för att ansluta till interna tjänster. Fungerar inte i Failover-clustering - GW: Kunde ibland inte visa alla registreringar - Många mindre rättningar och grafiska förbättringar Datatal Mobile API - Bättre hantering för teckenkodning, exempel om hänvisningstext eller lösenord innehöll ÅÄÖ FlexiStat - Diverse småbuggar och JS-fel -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2020.0 2020-02-13 -------------------------------------------------------- *** NOTE **** !! In this release SQL server will be updated to SQL Server 2017 CU 18, to perfom this update SQL server must be minimum SQL server 2008 SP3, and Windows server at 2012 !! !! We strongly recommend to take backup and snapshots before upgrading.!! !! There have been some problems during upgrade that databaseserver address has been incorrect, this setup will popup a dialog to ensure that setup uses correct databaseserver and instance. .\SQLEXPRESS should be "normal" but this could also be \ **** Checklist **** Before updating to this version, please check the following: - Due to updateing to SQL server 2017 CU15, this update can take some time - Virtual server, create a snapshot - Windows 2012 or newer - SQL server 2008 R2 SP3 or newer - Windows update - Install .NET Framework 4.7.2 https://support.microsoft.com/sv-se/help/4054530/microsoft-net-framework-4-7-2-offline-installer-for-windows Should be installed before any update of Flexi - Internet access, SQL server install/update requires this **** NEW **** Gateway - Call recording support, user can activate recording on activate call - Support sending early media on SIP session progress 183 - Support RFC 4028, session-refresh Messagemanager - Support missed call, send SMS or Mail, use template - Push incomming group call DiversionManager - GW; Support diverting specific device class, deskphone or mobile. Impact Wonderphone/Presentity apps/Operator Wonderphone - Autoanswer, settings -> enable automatic answering of calls - GW: Wonderphone standard users can log on more then one session **** Improvements **** Setup - Removed SQL server from package, will be download automatic if needed, setup REQUIRE internet access - Removed old obsolete components Gateway - Group, schedule-exccptions for group modes. Admital web -> Groups -> schedule exceptions - GW/CTstack/Ctengine/CT-Program is now scoped in companies, is required for hosting AdmitalWeb - Major security update (use PDO lib in PHP) - Use company templates will copy * Manuscript (also prompts) * Weekendschedulemeny * Buttoncontrolmeny * Schedulecontrolmeny * Blind queues * GW: Callprofiles * GW: Groups * GW: Group-modes * GW: Shortcommands * GW: Numberhandling (white/black-list) - GUI improvents MobileAPI - Major security update (use PDO lib in PHP) **** Fixes **** Gateway - Memory leaks, major leaks found and fix. Could cause poor voice quality - Incorrect dtmf payload on group call - Terminal registration could be removed incorrectly after restart of dtgw service - Group calls with parallel calls, if one member denyed call all call got denyed incorrectly - Major optimizations, both database and call-execution - Better support for SRTP/TLS - Dropped calls, better handling for session-refresh AdmitalWeb - Reset password will use settings from system, some settings was hardcoded Wonderphone - Reset password will use settings from system, some settings was hardcoded DBSyncronizer - Crash on SyncronizeByRoleId All - Many minor fixes -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2019.2 2019-06-12 -------------------------------------------------------- *** NOTE **** !! In this release SQL server will be updated to SQL Server 2017 CU 15, to perfom this update SQL server must be minimum SQL server 2008 SP3, and Windows server at 2012 !! !! We strongly recommend to take backup and snapshots before upgrading.!! !! There have been some problems during upgrade that databaseserver address has been incorrect, this setup will popup a dialog to ensure that setup uses correct databaseserver and instance. .\SQLEXPRESS should be "normal" but this could also be \ **** Checklist **** Before updating to this version, please check the following: - Due to updateing to SQL server 2017 CU15, this update can take some time - Virtual server, create a snapshot - Windows 2012 or newer - SQL server 2008 R2 SP3 or newer - Windows update - Install .NET Framework 4.7.2 https://support.microsoft.com/sv-se/help/4054530/microsoft-net-framework-4-7-2-offline-installer-for-windows Should be installed before any update of Flexi - Internet access, SQL server update requires this **** NEW **** All - Send E-mail/SMS/Push from Admital web and send SMS from a buttoncontrolled menu - Recording company voice prompts, within Admital web from company manuscript page initated a callback and start recording AdmiTal - More constraints, various checks overall Flexi plattform - Remove blacklisted Tapi agents - Dynamic fields that have been synchronized from other datasource will now be disabled in Admital! TelephonyManager - Added support for Constraints regarding TAPI satellites. - Supports transaction TapiClearBlacklistedNode. WonderPhone - Pre-recorded greeting, use a pre-recorded greeting message when answering call with WonderPhone. This requires WonderPhone standard (softphone-mode). Gateway - Support for Telenor end-customer SIP-trunks **** Improvements **** - Admital web, some major optimizations. Both database connection and overall End-user-web - Some minor GUI updates **** Fixes **** All - Impersonation mode now works again in Flexi (not related to ExchangeConnector) External Tid Web - Errand will now be used correctly so the suggested time will be correct due to priority. AdmiTal - Create users with webb-buttons caused some tech errors - Missing translations - Set callprofiles on users could cause tech errors - Use company templates caused tech errors - Use local time stamp under constraints table Setup - Some versions of SQL Server 2014 could cause that setup didn´t try to update but instead tried to install a new instance and failed WonderPhone - Bug in WonderPhone server could cause users to see other precense display-message but didn´t have the correct access - Wonderphone client, in combination whit Always-on-top could cause some annoying blinking effects - Wonderphone client, audio fixes. Sometimes WP client could not access mic or audio devices. Often in combination with user unplugging and re-plugging audio device. - Various minor bugfixes Mex-call - Using MEX call in Presentity app, could sometimes cause issues if the calling number was E.164 formatted (example, +46xxxxx) API - Operator, bug caused that operator did not receive all dynamic fields. Workaround was to login into Presentity and check all dynamic fields under settings End-user-web - Save dynamic fields didn´t work at all, now fixed TelephonyManager - Rewrite of restoring group information on IPO after removing forwarding - Support for transaction "RemoteGetGroupPresence" completed - TapiManagerLocal::ipoSetGroupPresence() would look for calling user's address instead of group id - Support for transaction "RemoteSetGroupPresence" completed - Uses latest lib. Enhanced & improved logging. Slimline when being TAPI Agent - Fixed a problem with users not always being logged back into groups after diversion Gateway - DTMF function now work as expected - CSTA3, private event on groups send wrong ID, caused issues if changing group address - Mobile calls to internal user could cause call-direction issues. Incoming/outgoing was reversed - Virtual trunk issues, Cancel failed, loss of information - c= was sent in SDP twice, could cause audio issues on some terminals. -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2019.1 2019-03-13 -------------------------------------------------------- *** NOTE **** !! In this release SQL server will be updated to SQL Server 2017 CU 13, to perfom this update SQL server must be minimum SQL server 2008 SP3, and Windows server at 2012 !! !!We strongly recommend to take backup and snapshots before upgrading.!! - Good to know This release is focused on Datatal Gateway and on Microsoft Teams integration and Skype status for WonderPhone and Operator. You are able to receive and make outgoing calls from you Microsoft Teams applications, desktop application or mobile VOIP application. (requires Gateway Pro user license and Microsoft phone system license) Customers can call your landline number or MEX mobile number. No other softphone needs to be installed on user’s computer. Another focus is Gateway short commands, send commands when you are in a call or to initiate a call, like Group pick-ups or call transfer. **** Checklist **** Before updating to this version, please check the following: - Due to updateing to SQL server 2017 CU13, this update can take some time - Virtual server, create a snapshot - Windows 2012 or newer - SQL server 2008 R2 SP3 or newer - Windows update - Install .NET Framework 4.7.2 https://support.microsoft.com/sv-se/help/4054530/microsoft-net-framework-4-7-2-offline-installer-for-windows Should be installed before any update of Flexi - Internet access, SQL server update requires this **** NEW **** All - SQL Server will be updated with latest security patches, required - Support from SMNP, download MIB file in Admital Web->system->admin WonderPhone - Skype Online status indication, user can now see colleagues’ Skype status in WonderPhone - Upgrade policy level, AdmiTal->Company settings->WonderPhone set upgrade policy. Automatic will force upgrade, manual can suppress upgrade of client. Skypeconnetor - Now supports Skype Online UCWA, read-only mode http://download.datatal.se/releases/Documents/SkypeConnector.pdf Gateway - Support for Microsoft Teams as softphone. Read more in Implementation document. http://download.datatal.se/releases/Gateway/DirectRouting_rev1.pdf - Short commands, send commands using DTMF or when call is initated. Operator (next generation) - New Operator GUI will be launched shortly - Support for UCWA events from Flexi Server, the operator will see users’ Skype Online status **** Improvements **** All - More usage checks, warning/error will be visible in Admital **** Fixes **** Telephony Manager - Rework loggning - Some crash fixes Web API - Bug, operator in some configuration did not get any dynamic fields Mobile API - Forgot-password-method failed in some configurations Skype Connector - Reported wrong state in informationcentral in Admital web -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2019 2019-01-10) -------------------------------------------------------- *** NOTE **** Winter release! !! In this release SQL server will be updated to 2017, to perfom this update SQL server must be minimum SQL server 2008 SP3, and Windows server at 2012 !! !!We strongly recommend to take backup and snapshots before upgrading.!! - Good to know This release has focus on our Datatal Gateway implementation, Datatal Gateway is a SIP-proxy communication platform that Flexi has full support for. No need for any other PBX :) There are some new features as well in other PBX platforms and major optimizations. **** NEW **** All - Setup support install on Windows Server Core edition. !Note If Flexi uses TAPI as CTI link to PBX, then Windows with GUI is required. Windows Server that hosts TAPI requires Windows with GUI (Desktop experience) Wonderphone - Use shortcut keys to call any marked number in any application, go into settings and configure hotkeys. Add "Call marked text" and set hotkeys, please note they MUST contain CTRL! - Shortcut keys to copy phone number from active call to clipboard , go into settings and configure hotkeys - Group mode, can now be changed under groups, permission to change active mode can be set in Admital web. This is the same permission as to login/logout other members - Debug mode, under settings a debug mode can be activated for troubleshooting. Note! "Media Transport Name" should be "udp" - Always on top, implemented both on main window and active call window Admital - Settings for Gateway, read Datatal Gateway configuration guide - Services management, can now start/stop/restart Datatal Services from Admital web, System->Services - Send logs, under Services you can also send in logs for analysis. Please add a service Ticket ID and a short description - Active error/warning/info, in the top right-hand corner a summary of error/warning/info. Click on one of them to display a list of error/warnings/info. Errors should be handle immediately, they indicate loss of functionality End-user web (first release) - A new end user web for Datatal Gateway. In this web users can administrate their own information and a local admin can administrate other colleagues and some group administrations More features will be implemented soon Updater (first release) - A slim updater script for patching your Flexi installation after an installation **** Improvements **** Wonderphone - Upgrade is not mandatory, if an update is available there is a blue arrow in user interface. Update will require administration permissions - Some minor Improvements in GUI on group view. Mobile API - Some major optimizations, mobile applications should be a lot faster. Both iPhone/Android app has been to bootcamp as well :) Admital - Minor GUI improvements, SQL optimizations and DiversionManager - Optimizations on scheduled diversions **** Fixes **** Wonderphone - various reported crashes have been fixed Admital - User profiles are now company owned DTCSTA3 - Various fixes/workarounds for CSTA3 implementation for MX-One -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2018.3 2018-08-15) ------------------------------------------------------ *** NOTE **** Late summer release! This will be the last Flexi release that supports Windows server 2008, and x64 is required for this setup. Next release will require Windows 2012 server, major platform changes are coming!! Special thanks to all users/resellers who have sent us valuable feedback !!We strongly recommend to take backup and snapshots before upgrade.!! **** NEW **** Wonderphone - Secondary speaker/microphone mode. If have an additional speakers and microphone, you can easy swap between headset and loudspeaker/mic - In search field, press enter to call latest number - Navigate with keyboard has been improved, press enter on buddie, contacts, call-history to call **** Improvements **** Presentity - Mobile API is now stateless **** Fixes **** Wonderphone - Some reported crashes are fixed Presentity web - Some reported crashes are fixed CallCenter - Callback function was enabled from start not when schedule timer was set -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2018.2 2018-06-21) ------------------------------------------------------ *** NOTE **** This will be the last Flexi release that supports Windows server 2008, and x64 is required for this setup. Next release will require Windows 2012 server, major platform changes are coming!! Special thanks to all users/resellers who have sent us valuable feedback !!We strongly recommend to take backup and snapshots before upgrade.!! **** NEW **** Admital - License overview, can better see assigned and unassigned license, reload license. Company->License overview WonderPhone - Start IM chat from WonderPhone client, right click on user/favourite and a new options is present. This will launch installed IM chat client, usally Skype for business - Create an Outlook contact from call-history or active call - Copy phonenumber or name from call-history or active call - Can set Philips HUE lamp configuration on user, will reflect users presence state. Busy=lamp will be lit red, alerting green blink and so on. Requires that WonderPhone server is installed Flexi Operator - New feature in operator, start chat. Will lanuch IM chat client. Update available in Windows Store **** Improvements **** Telephony Manager - Major optimization, will improve overall preformance. Presentity app - Several fixes, both Android and Iphone - Support logon with username and password instead of extension and pin. **** Fixes **** All - Minor fixes WonderPhone - Serveral fixes serverside, better support for resuming sessions, registration timeout Admital - CallCenter, deactivate callback now works GDPR - Add call_history - Timeout on execute night process, now extended to 4 hours. Before 30 seconds **** Known Issue **** In previous release all Datatal services could be installed and run under a user account. We have noted that this automatic user’s creation procedure in setup didn´t set "password never expires" This may cause services not to be able to start if Windows requires that user needs to change password. Flexi 2018.2 will fix this. -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2018.1 2018-05-11) ------------------------------------------------------ *** NOTE **** This will be the last Flexi release that supports Windows server 2008, and x64 is required for this setup. Next release will require Windows 2012 server, major platform changes are coming!! Special thanks to all users/resellers who have sent us valuable feedback !!Strongly recommend to take backup and snapshots before upgrade.!! **** NEW **** ALL - Change communication with database using Windows Authentication. Admital - Admital Web, updated GUI - Data management, tool for users. Export and delete data from different sources, GDPR tool for administrators. **** Improvements **** CTStack - Better handling if server has 2 network cards and send audio RTP stream parallel. **** Fixes **** Wonderphone - Large contact list (outlook integration) will work better now. 200+ contacts could cause some issues before. - Lots of minor fixes. TelephonyManager - Optimizations!! Windows OS could cause some strange priority on Telephonymanager threads, now fixed. If TelephonyManager is on a Agent this is strongly recommended to update - Cache function for groupname, will improve preformance ContactCenter - BreakOnLogin feature is now work DiversionManager - "Mutiple diversion" will be set in users correct language Statistics - Average call on queue calls FlexiTid will now be correct TFS#1141 - Service levels in ContactCenter statistics will now be correct presented. -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2018 2018-02-16) ------------------------------------------------------ *** NOTE **** This will be the last Flexi release that supports Windows server 2008, and x64 is required for this setup. Next release will require Windows 2012 server, major platform changes are coming!! Special thanks to all users/resellers who have sent us valuable feedback **** NEW **** Wonderphone - Added support to add search services on incomming call and callhistory, click on search icon in call window or callhistory and browser will open with URL. Can customize URL in settings **** Fixes *** Diversion Manager - Sometimes Diversion manager would set diversion destination to 'UNKNOWN' Presentity App - Hotkeys: Can't edit hotkeys that have "open diversion" set in Presentity Apps - When logging into Presentity App with extensions that start with a zero, tokens are created but without the zero which results in no push-function Flexi Tid - Fixed problem with new feature to see if customer doesn’t choose the suggested time slot but chooses a different time slot - Archived message was incorrectly saved as new message - Wrong order of bookings, sorted by incoming time instead of booked time. WonderPhone - If incoming call is withheld, will not show displayname, used to be "withheld" or "SPÄRRAD" - Optimizations, will not check "who is" on extension that is longer than extension length - Bug that could cause a call to get stuck in Wonderphone server but no call on client. - Fixed a bug that could cause audio stream to stop working if on of the parts sends a DTMF. -------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2017.2(2017-12-01) ------------------------------------------------------ *** NOTE **** This will be the last Flexi release that supports Windows server 2008, and x64 is required for this setup. Next release will require Windows 2012 server, major platform changes are coming!! Special thanks to all users/resellers who have sent us valuable feedback . **** New **** All - Admital, Apply user profiles, select a user profile then apply on users - Admital, Copy favourites, select a user that has favourites, then select a group of other users that should have the same favourites - Admital, display weak pin/password, please advise users to change pin/password Active-directory sync - Reworked, will synchronize attributes from AD then map them into Flexi dynamic fields - Admital, reworked whole administration form WonderPhone - In WonderPhone client users can now see queued calls in groups, current wait time and answer a specific call from a queue (pick call) - Call-history is improved with information on if a call has come in through a group or directly - In general, tool tips have been improved - Active calls, call transfer function has been reworked, search result is now grouped and displays favourites first. - Settings, can disable Outlook integration, resize main window - User details, new option to see users’ active and future diversions - Activity codes and hotbuttons, can now add text message to diversions - Settings, should call window flash and take focus - Admital, under user settings, can now see user’s current loginstate - Support for Philips HUE FlexiStat - Added support for SKL 2017s definitions FlexiTid - If customer doesn’t choose the suggested time slot but chooses a different time slot, this will be marked with an icon in Flexi Tid user interface - Language flag on booking **** Fixes *** WonderPhone - Headset, Jabra SDK issues could cause the whole computer to freeze - DTMF works as expected now with numpad. ( / key is #) - Several crashes that have been reported from older releases - Optimize search - User name can now contain åäö ExchangeConnector - Will not try to start subscription on invalid email address Presentity web - Change pin/password with temporary pin/password TelephonyManager - Optimizations - Crash fixes --------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 2017.1 (2017-09-13) ------------------------------------------------------ *** NOTE **** This will be the last Flexi release that supports Windows server 2008 and x64 is require for this setup. Next release requires Windows 2012 server, major platform changes are comming!! Special thanks to all users/resellers who sent us feedback . **** New **** All - SQL server (database engine) will be upgraded during installation, for security and future features. - AD-sync now imports user-images - AD-sync will now also sync Contact types. Presentity - Exented group functionality for MiVO 400, in Presentity App other logged on users is displayed. Flexi Tid (extened statistics) - New statistics data available! Processed bookings Successfull callback Successfull bookings Wonderphone - Wonderphone basic mode, the user can control a physical device via wonderphone. Requires a TAPI controllable device. - Can set call in conference - Flexi Operator support **** Fixes *** WonderPhone - UI tweaks. - Fixes for hot-keys - Crash fix, when user tried to send email with no email client installed - Cache fix for buddy images - Call transfer history, now saves correct data - Jabra headset fixes, incomming/outgoing signaling CTStack - Call transfers could cause memory leaks - Improved procceing queue for incomming SIP trafic Mobile API - Fix where faulty presence text could be displayed - Support for global precense codes on active-IC DBSyncronizer - CMG integration now removes any extensions with userid = 0 - AD integration does not create an empty extension after removing a users flexi extension. - Can sync from different AD's (you can configure per Company in Flexi) - Presentity server doesn't need to be member of corporate domain Exchange connector - Better handling on lost push subscriptions - Will reload settings if configuration is changed (no need to restart service) Maintserver - Adjustments for domain syncroniztion, so it will not affect dbSyncronizer sync TelephonyManager - Supports GetLoggedOnUsersInGroupForExtension() in OIP Corba All - Several other minor fixes -------------- Release notes Flexi 2017.0 (2017-02-28) -------------------------- *** NOTE **** This will be last Flexi release that supports Windows server 2008 OS. Next release require Windows 2012, major background changes are upcomming!! **** New **** All SQL server engine will be upgraded during installation, this for security and future features. **** Fixes *** WonderPhone - Serveral fixes for headsets, issues that caused that incomming/outbound sound didn't played in device - Stability fixes for Wonderphone - Search optimizations Maintserver - Some optimization for search in call history Admital - Minor fixes -------------- Release notes Flexi 2016.1 (2016-12-08) -------------------------- *** NEW *** - Wonderphone features - Supervised transfer - RTP over TCP and Websocket support, not optimal. For optimal usage use UDP - User can now see dialed number, example that call came through a group - Call window will flash on incoming call - Added language support for Danish, Finnish, Norwegian (bokmål) - Configure hotkeys, global hotkey for answer and hang-up and more - Headset support for Jabra, answer/hang-up/mute - Headset support for Sennheiser, answer/hang-up/mute, need to install SDK separate - Destination on diversion can easy set to other destinations, example mobile, colleague - Systray functions for diversions, open presence - New icon resources, better support for Windows 7 - Support TEL: and CALLTO: need to activate this under Windows default program settings - Makecall from console example "Wonderphone makecall 90510" - CSTA3 for MX-one now support for TCP and XML, not use of webservice - TelephonyManager agents, can now connect more telephonymanagers to Flexi. This will only work with CTI integration using TAPI (Avaya IP Office). Requires an additional server, can use desktop OS. *** Improvements *** - AD syncroniztion, setting for only apply user profile on new user *** Fixes *** - Admital, Saving a diversion code also change sound prompt that are in use - CTStack crash - Adding diversion from operator on any other user with none default time ends up with default time any way - CTStack memory leakage is fixed!! - Alot optimization in Wonderphone client!! -------------- Release notes Flexi 2016 (2016-06-03) -------------------------- *** Fixes *** Setup, better validation that Wonderphone should be installed or not -------------- Release notes Flexi 2016 (2016-05-30) -------------------------- Summary: This is one of Datatal biggest release ever, we also like to change the version to 2016. Change the version concept from a incremet version to year and subrelease. This is version 2016.0. The tecnical version is still 5.12. We have developt a new softphone with a softphone server. Communication between server and client is webbase, based on websockets, all communication uses https by default. All audiostreams uses RTP *** NEW *** Wonderphone, softphone server and client Skype connector update skype client with presence information and line status. AD syncronize, retrive information from customers AD enviroment. Requried that flexiserver is joined in the AD domain Admital, additional settings for Skype, Wonderphone and AD syncronize -------------- Release notes Flexi 2016 Rc3 (2016-05-23) -------------------------- Summary: This is one of Datatal biggest release ever, we also like to change the version to 2016. Change the version concept from a incremet version to year and subrelease. This is version 2016.0. The tecnical version is still 5.12. We have developt a new softphone with a softphone server. Communication between server and client is webbase, based on websockets, all communication uses https by default. All audiostreams uses RTP *** NEW *** Wonderphone, softphone server and client Skype connector update skype client with presence information and line status. AD syncronize, retrive information from customers AD enviroment. Requried that flexiserver is joined in the AD domain Admital, additional settings for Skype, Wonderphone and AD syncronize *** Fixes *** Wonderphone client (in swedish) =========== * Minnesläckage åtgärdat * Visar "Hemligt nummer" korrekt. =========== * Stödjer Mute-knappen på Plantronics-headset (two-way). =========== * Feedback på samtalsstatus vid utringning/inkommande samtal (ersätter timer tills Connect). * Sök vid "Koppla samtal" visar status på 5 första träffarna (Flexi Users). * Historik vid "Koppla samtal" visar 5 senaste kopplade destinationer. =========== * Sekretess-knapp på samtal * Korrekt titel på utgående samtal från Samtalshistoriken. =========== * Settings listar endast aktiva ljudenheter. * Detaljerad info visar endast Shortcut's när info finns. -------------- Release notes Flexi 2016 Rc2 (2016-05-10) -------------------------- Summary: This is one of Datatal biggest release ever, we also like to change the version to 2016. Change the version concept from a incremet version to year and subrelease. This is version 2016.0. The tecnical version is still 5.12. We have developt a new softphone with a softphone server. Communication between server and client is webbase, based on websockets, all communication uses https by default. All audiostreams uses RTP *** NEW *** Wonderphone, softphone server and client Skype connector update skype client with presence information and line status. AD syncronize, retrive information from customers AD enviroment. Requried that flexiserver is joined in the AD domain Admital, additional settings for Skype, Wonderphone and AD syncronize *** Fixes *** ALL DSN x64 now works again Wonderphone client (in swedish) =========== * Möjlighet att skicka in loggar eller feedback (System Tray Context Menu). =========== * Sök beter sig konstigt. =========== * Stop's loading Outlook Contact's if access is being denied by user. * Groups - Kan logga in kollegor i grupper trots att jag saknar den behörigheten i Admital. * Spelar upp inringande signal på både Ringer- och Playback-device (om konfigurerat som olika). =========== * Datum o Tid hamnade i konflikt när man skapade en hänvisning från hänvisningskod. * Ringvalet saknade ikon om profilbild saknades * Grupper kunde i vissa fal krasha appen * Ikoner på menyvalen för hänvisningar * Lagt till valet "Ändra" till hänvisningar * Lagt till stöd för att vänsterklick på användarens kontaktval under detaljvyn * Ikoner för menyvalen för användarens detaljvy * När ett röstmeddelande byter status så uppdateras inte interfacet (sätt ett röstmeddelande till arkiverat) * Todo text i beskrivningen på Settings (Start with Windows) * User information, anknytning på svenska får inte plats, själva texten men de finns utrymme * User information, om epost inte finns på användaren borde antingen ikonen vara borta eller utgråad * User information kontakt knappar har dubbletter ibland sina val * User information, texten på dem som har exempel g i sitt namn, halva g är avhugget. Exempel på Magnus Bäckström. * Knasigt hänvisnings formulär när man ska ändra på en skapad hänvisning som varit ”Tills nästa arbetsdag” och ”Tillsvidare” (prova med Gått för dagen och Sjuk) * Hänvisningslistan för "Tillsvidare" hänvisningar visas fel * "Quit Wonderphone" även på svenska, borde vara "Avsluta Wonderphone" * Sökresultat har även "koppla till..." i context menyn * User information visar felaktig status "i samtal" * Diversions - Kan inte öppna telefonen om man har en öppen hänvisning, "Öppna telefon" är utgråad. * Groups - Engelska när jag vill logga ut mig ur gruppen på svensk klient, context menyn * Call transfer, funkar inte på att bara slå nummer och enter för koppla * Call transfer, ikonen är helt vit när den är aktiv * Call transfer, transfer to voicemail fungerar inte * Call transfer, sökning inkluderar inte contacts * Buddys - Måste starta om Wonderphone om jag lägger till kollegor från Web eller app * Buddys - Måste starta om WonderPhone när man lägger till kollegor för att få upp korrekt status * Call transfer, ikonen är helt vit när den är aktiv * Call transfer, får inte några sök resultat, testa och sök på 3017 * Groups - Statusen på gruppen och monitoreringen på medlemmarna (vilka som är inloggade osv) visas felaktig och uppdateras inte efter in/ut-loggning. Måste starta om för att få korrekt status. * Knappar på Samtal försvinner när man väntat på upptagen anknytning (Kan ej återskapa). -------------- Release notes Flexi 2016 Rc1 (2016-05-02) -------------------------- Summary: This is one of Datatal biggest release ever, we also like to change the version to 2016. Change the version concept from a incremet version to year and subrelease. This is version 2016.0. The tecnical version is still 5.12. We have developt a new softphone with a softphone server. Communication between server and client is webbase, based on websockets, all communication uses https by default. All audiostreams uses RTP *** NEW *** Wonderphone, softphone server and client Skype connector update skype client with presence information and line status. AD syncronize, retrive information from customers AD enviroment. Requried that flexiserver is joined in the AD domain Admital, additional settings for Skype, Wonderphone and AD syncronize -------------- Release notes Flexi 5.11.3 (2016-02-17) -------------------------- !! Guidelines for secure Datatal Flexi server, please read it http://download.datatal.se/releases/Documents/Guide_Secure_Flexi.pdf !! *** NEW *** All - Tested and verified for Avaya IP Office 9.1 via Avaya Devconnect program, all tree products Presentity - New Web API for Operator, now support that operator can search over several companies. Require user right setting. *** Improvements *** Presentity - DiversionManager could stop monitor some users if Telephony Manager got restarted *** Fixes *** All - License distribution in Admital Web had some bugs - Voiceprompt in Admital can be listen on all languages Presentity - Mobile API, problem with mobile application. Tries to get group information even if PBX do not support that feature. - Telephony Manager, login/out all groups on Avaya IP Office now works as intend Flexi Tid - Flexi Tid User Web, save temporary out function, now it works as intend -------------- Release notes Flexi 5.11.2 (2015-11-06) -------------------------- Summary: This is a pure service release, fixes and improvements. This include version 10 of mobile api, this is recommended to upgrade to this release for Presentity app to work proper !! Notice this release will be the last that support x86 systems. Next planned release is 5.12 and will only support x64 systems.!! *** Improvements *** Presentity - Some changes in Push handling mobile applications - Fixes in group handling for Telephony manager and Avaya IP office, when reinitiate presence states *** Fixes *** All - When "disable statistics" it disable all creation of Store procedurce. Now it should install the other store procedurces Presentity - Fix in Presentity web, error when retrive group information from A400 systems -------------- Release notes Flexi 5.11.1 (2015-10-23) -------------------------- Summary: In this minor service release we focused on fixes and improvements, but we also implemented some new features. *** NEW *** All - Support for OIP 8.6 and A400 4.0, to activate new Application login please edit registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\datatal\Flexi\TelephonyManager\OIP\ AastraLoginCredentialsVersion 1 = Pre 8.6, set it to 2 if 8.6 Presentity - Presentity web now supports Finnish - Operator supports Windows 10 from day 1! - Operator can now use "Call queue" in PBX, operator will send *33*[extension]#. New function key will be shown in Operator - Remake Queueserver - iPhone Flexi Presentity app support iOS9 - Push will now be sent on missed calls, so you will never miss a call - Android/iOS will support a new feature, for Avaya IP Office users can now see how many is logged on a hunt group - Call through pbx now supports several access-numbers, new configuration in Admital web CallCenter - CC agent supports Windows 10 - CC Wallboard support Windows 10 - Now its supported to chat with queues even if you not logged in. Need to be assigned to queue FlexiTid - Support Mitel MX-one 6.0 - Send reports to SKL (signe), require internet connection and some credentials. *** Improvements *** All - Admital, some adjustments on license tab on company - AdmiTal, fixes for delete a company - Reports can now be send on specific day of mouth - Admital, now admin can change gui language - Admital, minor improvements Setup - Now support English! - Will install .NET 3.5.1 and IIS within setup and online. (Require internet access) - SQL server express is now in built in setup.exe, not mandatory to install but is recommended Presentity - Call through PBX (Avaya IP Office) now better support user in different country's, multiply access numbers. Can be set on user and company - Calendar connector now have several new settings Admital->system->admin->setting->Calendar connection - Its possible to leave queue when queueing on a busy Presentity user - Using *23 will now automatic drop call CallCenter - Wallboard, communication between server and client have been optimize, now a push event is send when something happens in a queue *** Fixes *** All - CTstack, memory leakage - Ctengine, memory leakage - CTStack, fix if CTstack got onhold by user and in record mode. Voice file could be several gigabytes large - Various bug fixes Presentity - Operator, fixes in API for hide usr_field for users interface but is visible for operator, FS#3391 - Mobile API, some fixes for search result, most relevant data first FS#3326 CallCenter - Bugs that could case agent to be assigned to several calls within login procedure - Some graphic fixes for high contrast Windows themes -------------- Release notes Flexi 5.11 (2015-04-16) -------------------------- Summary: The main focus of this release was on the ability to dial a number from Presentity app iOS and Android (only Avaya IP Office), update statistics for CC and Tid, CC agent call-history and answer/end call from CC agent. As always there are also alot of tweeks, bugfixes and improvements on existing products. *** NEW *** All - Approved tested with Avaya Devconnect, Presentity, Tid and CC on Avaya IP Office Presentity - Mobile application, iOS/Android. User can now add favourite in the app - Mobile application, iOS/Android. User can now search and get a detailed view on colleagues - Mobile application, iOS/Android. From detailed view user can search on dynamic fields - Mobile application, iOS/Android. User can now call from application, users using Avaya IP Office can also dial through PBX using FNE service, read manual for IPO setup - Mobile application, iOS/Android. Profile image from Presentity server will be shown in mobile application - Mobile application, iOS, some graphic changes in favourites view - User can now set diversions using *23* on Avaya IP Office. See manual for more information CallCenter - CC agent, history, agents can now see history of events in their queues - CC agent, history, agents can now see detailed view of every inquiry. When and what happend to a call - CC agent, history, agents can now search for numbers, agents and queue - CC agent, callcontrol, agents can now answer and end a call from keyboard. Default CRTL+SHIFT+Enter for answer, CRTL+SHIFT+Substract to hangup call. It's a global-hotkey, CC agent application doesn´t need to be in focus to listen to command. - CC agent, icons, some new icons and improvement of old ones - CC server, Callback, new settings for callback, can now be scheduled. New settings in Admitalweb on queue Statistics - CC Statistic, a new statistic engine, reports can be picked from several queues and several different data - Tid Statistic, a new statistic engine, reports can be picked from several queues and several different data - Statistic, can send an email report - Statistic, can export to Excel and CSV *** Improvements *** AdmiTal web - All images are saved in database - Search function has been improved, it now returns presencecode, queue names and much more - Some system settings can now be tweeked from Admital web, not only from registry *** Fixes *** Presentity - Issues using login/out hunt groups in Avaya IP office, didn't ACK TFTP responses. FS#3256 - Telephony manager crashes. FS#3224 - Calendar, problems could cause that the first triggerword would not be triggered. FS#3252 - CSTA3, Problem with that CSTA3 service was listening to local IP address but responses and request from PBX came from public IP address. FS#3223 - Mitel MCD, callhistory problems, wrong number on outgoing calls could be saved. FS#3220 - Mitel MCD, Open monitors on MultiDevice User Groups now supported. FS#3250 CallCenter - Mitel MX-one CSTA3 service, problems that cause that a call could get "stuck" with an agent even after the call was terminated. FS#3257, FS#3255, FS#3254 - CC server crashes fixed. FS#3258 - Teleagents could not logout. FS#3238 Tid - Tid server, problem with future bookings, could report no available times to customers - CTstack issues could cause some agent to speak to the wrong customer. FS#3270 AdmiTal web - Some translation misses, could be Swedish but should be English - Google Chrome popup issues, remake in popup in Admital web. FS#3163 - Problem add and edit weekends, some Javascript issue. FS#3206 - Logpath fixed, now logging in right path. FS#2961 ALL - Several minor bug fixes and tweeks -------------- Release notes Flexi 5.10.1 (2014-12-01) -------------------------- *** Improvements *** Presentity - Flexi Operator, changes in search result, this will weigh search hits in firstname, lastname, extension, email higher than other fields - Flexi Operator client, can now be notified by server that huntgroup membership status has changed - Presentity app iPhone, supports iPhone 6 and 6+ with correct resolution *** Fixes *** ALL - CTstack, a bug in 5.10 release could cause audio in phone to sound terrible - CTstack, some major improvement for conference feature, could cause some sound issues - Alot of minor fixes Ctengine/CTstack, some that could cause a channel to get stuck - With reservations trace of other fixes as well :) Presentity - Presentity web, some GUI issues when data in dynamic fields were very long. - Presentity web, fixes for search, could cause less than all 10 first hits to get live status - Presentity web, fixes for search, number of monitored hits can now be changed. IIS and application settings, SearchMonitorCount - Presentity web, fixes for search, sometimes a search hit could cause the logged in user to get the black header and it looked like the user had an active diversion. This is now fixed - Telephony manager, group enable/disable, sometimes not all groups were logged on after a diversion was released - DTMF issues in personal greeting recording Tid - Ctengine, a listencall could cause that Ctengine got hinged - Flexi Tid user Web, now it's only possible to enter number and +, all other characters will be trim -------------- Release notes Flexi 5.10 (2014-10-01) -------------------------- *** NEW *** Presentity - An Operator is available for Flexi Presentity, requires Flexi 5.10 and client desktop needs to be Windows 8.1. Download operator on Windows Store. *** Improvements *** ALL - CTstack now supports 300 simultaneous call Presentity - Optimize PResentity web, should be alot faster - Flexi Message manager supports several language in APNS message, swedish and engslish is default configured. Can be added more language in registry under Messagemanager Web API - Improve alot regarding functonality for the Operator *** Fixes *** ALL - Several minor bug fixes and tweeks -------------- Release notes Flexi 5.9.1 (2014-08-22) -------------------------- *** NEW *** Presentity - Avaya IPO users can transfer call in mobile application (iPhone/Android) - Avaya IPO users can log on and off seperate groups in mobile application - Avaya IPO users turn mobile twinning on and off in mobile application - Avaya IPO, when diversion is set it will also set an absent text in phone display - Search for colleuges will now show their current phone status, 10 first hits. Both in Presentity web and mobile application (iPhone/Android) CallCenter - Now its avalible to set a timer for how long a break will occur in CCAgent, usable where agent have to take other customers at a front desk - Now its possible to se if a users should handle callback or not in a specific queue, very good if service levels on agent is used Flexi Tid - Flexi Tid web, user web now supports Norwegian *** Improvements *** Manuals - Aastra A400, got some known tricky scenarions in manual that have been clarifyed and tested by Datatal and Aastra together - Mitel, some media settings for CTstack has been updated *** Fixes *** All - Alot of minor fixes - Some application crash is fixed DBsync - Will not sync users that has an extension in CMG and extension is a entry point i Flexi - If there are a large amount of users in CMG it will now sync all of them Maintserver - Automatic logon, an issue caused that user could not login to another voicemail then thier own extension was associated to -------------- Release notes Flexi (2014-05-20) -------------------------- *** Fixes/improvements *** ALL - Installation - Installation .NET 3.5.1 on Windows 2012 or R2 REQUIRE Windows installation disc avalible follow - CTStack - Timer issues - onHold and retrive onhold, problems that pbx change rtp port, new information in SDP - Alot of fixes for RTP-timers, minimize voice quality losts on busy systems - Improved support for Avaya CM - dtFlexidbsync - Issues when syncronize CMG users (alot of users <2000) - Reg setting for serach keys, Flexi\HVDProxy\CMG\CMGSearchKeys - ExchangeConnecter - Office365 issues, now push uses method, observe firewall settings and local webservice address must be configure!! - dbscript - Change some default configuration on RBL-menys, added 0 for queue (will only be added on clean installations) - Added cte_system_usage table - Added more dynamic fields on users (will only be added on clean installations) - FlexiUserImport - New feature, select schedule and activate calender integration - Minor fixes aswell Serveral fixes -------------- Release notes Flexi (2014-03-31) -------------------------- *** Fixes *** ALL - Some minor bugs in registry.xml, can occur some problems with multiterminals for Aastra A400, is now fixed - Maintsrv, update some scripts regarding gadget - New CC statistic server, support SPROC login - Mobile.php minor fixes for gadget login with SPROC - CC server/agent minor GUI bugs - Setup guide, some default values was incorrect - CTStack, encoding issuse in API - CCAgent, new handling regarding save config.ini on local computer - Admital web, queue->create-edit queue didn´t work at all, is now fixed - Voice manager, change in downloading names - Plenty of minor fixes -------------- Release notes Flexi 5.9 (2014-03-14) -------------------------- Please read this document before upgrading and installing a Flexi system! *** Good to know *** ALL - Dialogic Diva softIP will be replaced completely - ASR is NOT supported in Flexi 5.9 - Hardware card is NOT supported in Flexi 5.9 only SIP with Datatal CTStack - Some changes have been made regarding pin/password, older versions of mobile application can experience some error message if pin/password has to be changed if pincode is 0000 it MUST be changed - Admin password is not allowed to be default, it must be changed in setup guide - Sysop user account cannot logon from a remote computer by default, setting under user. *** New *** ALL - Datatal CTStack SIP-stack, replace Dialogic Diva softIP - A new setting is added on user, change password on next logon Presentity - Windows Phone application, require 5.9 release, download from Microsoft Marketplace - It´s prossible to hide users from Presentity web, settings on user - User can change pin/password in mobile application - Push Notifications via GCM for Android Flexi Tid - Flexi Tid user web has support for Finnish - Automatic update for areacodes, require internet access - Tested and verified for Avaya CS1000 https://www.devconnectprogram.com/fileMedia/download/23c1f93b-ded2-43a6-b841-97870d8f6b00 CallCenter - New statistic report - User can define a timer for break on "no answer" and "reject", new setting in CCagent *** Improvements *** ALL - Admital manual is now translated to English - Improved support for x64 native - Socket optimization in CTEngine - All C++ services (CTEngine, Telephony manager, Flexi Tid) got an automatic crash report system built-in, crash log can be accessed in FlexiRoot\Log\Crashes an error is also emailed to Datatal development - Minor graphic changes in Admital web Presentity - iOS application has been refreshed, will be released after Flexi 5.9 platform release, iOS7 look, added support for change pincode - Android application has been refreshed, minor fixes, added support for change pincode - Better support for multiple terminals in Aastra A400 - Better support for multiple terminals in Avaya IPO (Special thanks to Comgate) - Now uses Journal service in OIP for call history in Aastra A400, check documentation Tid - Date picker is added to manning schedule *** Fixes *** ALL - Translation issues in Admital and FlexiTID web, some Swedish prompts that wasn´t translated to English, is now correct - Several fixes in Admital web - Telephony manager socket issue, fixed - Various other fixes Presentity - Call history fixes for Mitel, Avaya IPO, Panasonic NS1000, Aastra A400, Aastra MX-one installations - Fixes for group login/out for Avaya IPO, Panasonic NS1000 Flexi Tid - Flexi Tid server and socket handling, could cause some issue with outgoing call - Flexi Tid server crashes are fixed CallCenter - Fixes with hanged threads in server - Fixes in some statistic reports regarding service levels (GOS) - CCagent reconnect issues - Some issues regarding updating CCagents are now solved, older CCagent installations has to start update.exe manually to finalize the upgrade, instructions is prompted for end-user - TAB selection in login screen is now correct - Minor graphic fixes/tweeks and window positions fixes *** Changes *** Installation - Removed some x86 installation packages for Microsoft SQL server, can still be used but isn´t included in download ZIP file - Installation of IIS and .NET are now scripted with Powershell commands (x64-systems) - Removed all Dialogic Diva content Presentity - Exchange connector uses pull-method instead of push, there where some issues using push-method with customers Exchange servers, push is only used with Office365(required) *** Known issues *** All - FlexiSetup.exe is only available in Swedish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes Flexi 5.8.1 (2013-08-23) *** New *** Flexi Tid - Message site within Flexi Tid web has been improved Presentity - 3rd-party API has been improved, documentation is accessable at http://serverIP/api/doc - HVD proxy, remake Flexi CC - CCagent now support Windows 8 - Wallboard now support Windows 8 - New theme in Wallboard, theme name "Datatal" *** Fixes *** Presentity - MWI on Mitel now works again - Voicemanager, issues with some names was not generated correctly Flexi CC - Fixes problems with choose theme in Wallboard when changed language Flexi Tid - A crash fix, caused by a % char Release notes Flexi 5.8 (2013-04-03) *** New *** All - Support Windows 2012 server, Flexi server components support Windows 2012 - Admital, when searching in Admital, now entrypoint (startpunkt) is included search result Flexi TID - New design, Flexi TID user Web has a new design - New setting, Max allowed logged in agents on queue - New setting, If queued calls should be sorted above booked calls Presentity - 3rd-party API, a API for 3rd-party to integrate with Flexi Presentity - Support Panasonic NS 1000 - Support Avaya IPO - Support Office 365 calendar - Call history feature - Mobile apps has new features, - Android is remake - Support Callhistory - Add own hotkey for quicker diversions within app - GUI has been updated - MX-one, log in/off groups in PBX, sends *21*# - MX-one, change call profiles in PBX via Presentity app - Mac OSX Widget for Presentity, available for download via Presentity web - Windows 8 uses, if you still whant to use Presentity gadget within Windows 8 first download and install 8gadgetpack - Message waiting lamp setting is move from user to voicemail tab - Sync with CMG is improved, now syncs primary uses (TELNOPRI=1), also syncs all uses but will not activate voicemail on them CallCenter - Chat has been improved - New statistics reports - "Rembember me" functions in agent login *** Fixes *** All - Various fixes - Pictures will now be save at x:\Flexi\000\images Flexi TID - Support english whitin new gui interface - Better support for Internet explorer 9 - Improve/fixes communication between server-client Presentity - Fixed some issues trying to activate codes from mobile application - New code/company created, fixes that Diversion manger load them correct - Better support for MX-one, some terminals could not be used, now fixed - Issues whit wrong phonestatus in Presentity web, now fixed CallCenter - Callback issues with SIP is now fixed - Wallboard, sometimes indicate wrong number of logged in agents - Client application now correctly loggs acording to Flexi logg standard - Agents can remove callback calls from queue - Chatt function is now useable Release notes Flexi 5.7.2 (2012-09-19) *** New *** Flexi TID - Support hangup phone when close booking, activate in registry - Copy/paste action from SSID/personumer when click "ring" Presentity - Windows Active Directory authentication login, for more seurce and easier login. - New Presentity web, it´s been rewritten in .NET, many new feature - Live status on users under status-tab, for livestatus i mobile app, open TCP port 9692 in firewall - Search function has been updated ContactCenter - Agent can sort user other agents in agentlist - Callback, agent can see orginal callingnumber and user inputed number - Added connection settings under settings - Added settings for language in application, before it was controlled by OS language *** Improvements *** Setup - Variuos fixes, incorrected default values DBsyncronizer - MWI, MX-one: uses "Message waiting" -> "Information System Identity", how to configure read manual *** Fixes *** ALL Order prompts, no license number was added in ordermail (FS#2287) Correct License DLL is implemented - CTEngine, various fixes Improved handling of CRC Errors when uploading incoming fax files to Fax Server Supports new instruction IID_FILE_WRITE Supports the ANY (or '*') as channel specifier on the Console "CALL" command Supports determination of internal/external dial target by using scope's from registry value "ExtensionLengthEx" (FS#2326) Corrected handling of CRC errors when uploading Incoming Fax (FS#2322) Supports "DelayOnHangupInBlindCallTransfer" registry value. Automatically retries an blind call transfer that receives the "DivaErrorNoChannel" error (activated by default via registry value "AutomaticRetryTransferOnNoChannelError") Uses the SIP From-Header if the ANI is missing (activated by default via registry value "UseFromHeaderIfAniIsMissing") IID_FILE_SIZE displayed incorrect file size Fixed multiple History-Info header reading (FS#2265) Support for SIP HEADER 'Reason' (RFC 4411) on Diva boards. - Voicemanager Supports IPv6 Supports identification via HTTP Headers. Only uses secure.datatal.se as server -Telephony manager Supports IPv6 BusyState would under certain circumstances not get forwarded to clients (FS#2304) Supports GetPresenceInfoV2() Supports UnloadMonitorNow() on LINEERR_CALLUNAVAIL (FS#2243) Optimized handling of Console Clients (FS#2288), new console Supports GetAllCalendarItems BusyState may not get sent to Telephony Manager when changning (FS#2304) Corrected handling when DN has line's of both SX_VOICE_SET and SX_MULTICALL_GROUP Support for TmCtiV2GetPresenceInformation (removed support for TmCtiGetPresenceInformation) Detection of MultiCall Member failed if a button was configured as a observer of ACD Queue Flexi TID - TID server HowCloseBookableTime now works/reimplemented - TID CTP Issue when CTP added a none define prefix before make an autocall transfer, this occur only when no prefix was defined in configuration Fax Server - Corrected handling of CRC errors when uploading Incoming Fax(FS#2322) Presentity - Diversion manager Improved support for multicompanys and PBX diversion codes Issue when diversion "until future notice" Greatly improved database connection handle and resources, only uses on connection rather of 500 Handle of infinity loops when calculate of diversions Sometimes when calculate schedule diversions got NullReferenceException Improved handle for GICI diversions - AdmiTal web Wrong HVD code could accidental be copied to company prompt catalogue (FS#2309) ContactCenter - Wallboard Issue starting Wallboard on Swedish Windows 7 OS, fixed Issue Swedish prompts in GUI, fixed - CCStatistics Supervisor statistics, incorrect calculations, fixed Incorrect inquries states not counted in statistics reports and supervisor GUI Incorrect statstics if agent parked call and retrive, issue in wait time report *** Known issues *** Setup - Only in swedish Presentity - In mobile applications, divert to other destinaions. If feature is turn off user will see inputfield but would not work. New Presentity mobile app will be released. Release notes Flexi 5.7.1 (2011-08-29) *** New *** Flexi TID - Hosting, now systemowner can define max users in FlexiTid-queue Flexi Presentity - Windows Gadget for desktop, available at http://www.datatal.se/releases/download/clients/presentity.gadget download and start instruction video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxK1ej1IN8E) *** Fixes *** Flexi Presentity - NrOfConferanceUsers issue reading license-key, now works - Settings for Message manager plugins did not loads by default *** Known issues *** All - FlexiSetup.exe is only available in Swedish Release notes Flexi 5.7 (2011-06-23) *** New *** All - Support MX-One 4.2.x (SIP) - Support Aastra CMG for Flexi Presentity and Flexi Voice Flexi TID - Support Avaya CM (SIP) *** Improvements *** Flexi Presentity - For Mitel PBX, on diversion extension will also be marked as busy in PBX - For Aastra intelligate, when Telephony manager is restarted user will automatic be relogged in to user groups in PBX Flexi TID - Panasonic TAPI, when PBX is rebooted Telephony manager will reinitiate TAPI *** Fixes *** Flexi Presentity - Various issue where Divman hung on diversions Flexi Voice - Regvalue HKLM\Software\datatal\Flexi\CTEngine\Eicon TransferOption on SIP systems that PBX is Alcatel MUST be set to 8, see \regs\TransferOption.reg *** Known issues *** All - FlexiSetup.exe is only available in Swedish Release notes Flexi 5.6.3 (2011-05-02) *** New *** All - Admital web, voice files will by order by company-voice files and system-voice files - Admital hosting support, system-owner can distribute license to different companies - Admital template support, template companies can be created, are used when create new "real" companies - Admital login name, now user can enter 50 character login name - Extension can now begin with 0, upgrades from existing system contact Datatal - Setup, now better support for repair and change options - Norwegian voice, full remake of Norwegian voice package Flexi Contact Center - Agent log are deleted if agent use roaming profiles *** Improvements *** Flexi Presentity - Admital, trigger words can now be edit if license for ASR or Exchange connector - Presentity app for iPhone, new icons, Norwegian language support, several crash fixes, update from Apple Appstore Flexi Contact Center - Support different date formats - Support for hosting license check and save login config, wallboard - CC statistic server, improved support no contact with DBMS *** Fixes *** All - Stability FlexiInstaller.exe, reported wrong OS, RAM memory and CPU. These have now been removed, only check if its a x64 or x86 Flexi Presentity - MWI, issue when user used Presentity web or APP, message lamp didn´t put out - Voicemails and license, voicemail couldn´t be recorded if not Swedish license was active, now works without Swedish license - Telephony manger, when transfer on Mitel sometimes events got stuck in telephony manager, now solved Flexi Voice - MWI Alcatel QSIG ECMA, contact Datatal for this - FlexiWS does not support IPV6 addresses, fix do not use localhost, instead - FlexiWS now set timestamp for listened voicemail, older message didn´t got delete, now they do - softIP didn´t supported "P-Alcatel-CSBU" diversion header, now CTEngine will translate the header as a diversion-header - ASR, return tomorrow didn´t work as it should, time not always replayed to use. New HVD proxy - dbSyncronizer setting EnableContinuousSync will be 0 Flexi Contact Center - Wallboard stability, problems with license validation, sometimes the wallboard did not logged out from CC-statistic server, negative queue-time could appear - CC statistic server, did cause some times that server loop in a reboot - Sometimes agent could be stuck in busy states - Callback got stuck if user abort pre-process, now solved - Wallboard could sometimes show inquiries even there was no queue - softIP, destination busy now treat as refuse, 408 busy here Flexi Tid - Statistic reports, in "Servicenivå 2, bokade samtal (avvikelse bokad och verklig tid) diffrent result if use looked at month or day. Should be the same. - Voicemail can now be deleted - CTEngine abort voicemail after 10 seconds, RecordAllowMaxSilence=0 will disable it - Agents with CTI can now listen to voicemails in Flexi Tid - Booking did not got removed when finished Diva softIP - Dialogic fixes, 120 channel issue is solved, after upgrade of diva use "activate" in Configuration manager *** Known issues *** All - FlexiSetup.exe is only available in Swedish Release notes Flexi 5.6 *** New *** All - User licenses can be distributed between companies - Support for SQL 2008 server (Express Editon is distributed in Flexi-package) - Support for x64 - Support for Windows 2008 R2 - Support for Aastra Intelligate I7.9.1 Flexi Presentity - Android application - SIP Flexi Presentity on Aastra Intelligate PBX, with Diva softIP - Interception without diverting phone (open interception) - Statistical reports - Divert others functionality Flexi Tid - Support for 'Panasonic TDE', PRI/SIP, includes MakeCall through TAPI - System message can be sent to queues - Change reservation to other queues - Queueing can be controlled by schedule - A closed reservation can be reopened - Voicemail funtionality, no reservation is made - Outdialing to agent on queueing calls - Agents can configure that reservations can not be rereserved - Cases can now book vip reservations Flexi Contact Center - New Contact Center server, build in .NET - New agent application, build in .NET - Agent can login/logoff in unique queues - Callback strategy, agent can be notified with an incomming call - Last-know-agent - Overflow in queues to button-controlled menu - Dynamic skills, backoffice, agent can now have a servicelevel as a skill - A warning on logout, last login agent - A warning if agents are configured with "pick manually", skills 0 or agents skills is a undefined servicelevel - Key-mapping on short code can be reconfigured by agent Flexi Voice - HVDproxy, build in .NET - DBsyncronizer, build in .NET - Auto login function in AdmiTal web, using tickets - New SIP stack, Diva softIP *** Improvements *** Flexi Presentity - Divert others functionality, control by rights - Users can now see other users future interceptions - Users can now see scheduled interceptions - Columns in Presentity Web are now ordable - Update iPhone application, supports logon/logoff groups and buddies in Aastra Intelligate-mode Flexi Tid - Paranthesis will be removed if a voicemail is listend - More info is shown in historyview - Colums are sorteable in historyview - Timestamp on agents logged in Flexi Voice - ASR, set new interception without return time *** Fixes *** All - Various bugfixes Flexi Presentity - Business Phone integration, reinitiating phone, sockets dropped by BLINK Flexi Tid - Correction in some statistc reports (real/offer time) - IIS crash when click on calendericon in close temporary function Flexi Contact Center - Wrong definition in statistic report "Answer call per agent" - Wallboard showed wrong definitons on callbacks - In pre 5.6 CC, hanging calls, calls is transfer but agent is busy Flexi Voice - Saving interception-codes in AdmiTal web when using several language *** Known issues *** All - FlexiSetup.exe is only available in swedish Flexi Presentity - Exchange 2010 support for Exchange connector - On BP, if user do *23* and interception is open, terminal will be diverted Flexi Contact Center - Statistics server, don´t respond on requests Flexi Tid - Avaya, voicemail within tid-queue can only be played using TAPI-monitoring if PBX is Avaya *** No longer supported *** - PBX NEC 2000IPS - PBX 3Com - PBX Doro Index - I7.6 and older version of Aastra Intelligate - TAPI-wave - MD-110 VSI/VM serial interfaces - Windows 2000 and older - Windows XP (can be used for lab-purpose only) - Mysql 4.x, strongly recommended to upgrade to SQL 2008 express. Future Flexi release will drop Mysql support